Question Wednesday- Travel Edition

Hello girls:)

Today I discovered a great blog, Nykki's Mane Blog. There I discovered Question Wednesday. This basically means that every Wednesday she is posting 5 questions and her answer to them and you can take them and answer them on your blog. However, visit her blog and you will understand more there:)

Today is Travel Edition. Here are the questions and my answers…

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
 I guess it would be China. I can’t explain why(not even to myself), but I always wanted to go to China.

2. Where is the coolest/best place you have ever traveled?
To be honest, except my home country, I was only in Finland and Estonia. This makes me think that the best place where I traveled is Bran, a small town (or village- I am not sure) in Romania (my home country). There is also Dracula Castle, but I liked ot mostly for other different reasons.

3. How do you feel about road trips?
Not a big fan! I always feel seek when I am traveling a long distance by car.

4. You just won two tickets to your dream vacation, who's going with you?
My boyfriend!

5. Airport security is only allowing you to take 3 make-up items with you, what are they?
Foundation, mascara, lip tint.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and let me know what you think about it:)

1 comment

  1. check out my latest post:) need all the help i can get before tomorrow:)


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