Cook with me: Fruit Cake!

Happy Monday lovelies :)

Today it is actually the first day when I can feel that I finished my 3rd year at uni...Normally I would need to go to classes today, but guess what ? That won't happen for the next 5 to 6 months! Of course, now I want to find a place to do my work placement and so won, but it won't be the same as going to uni so I will probably enjoy it more....Anyways, enough rambling about uni, and lets get into subject ... I like baking, but I didn't do it in a while because I am trying to give up sweets, but when I crave something sweet, I want to go for something home made....I have this recipe from my mom, and it was actually the first sweet that I baked for my boyfriend when we moved together {oh good old memories}...

This is what you'll need:

  •  200g butter at room temperature;
  • 200g sugar;
  • 200g flour;
  • 1/2 of a tea spoon of baking powder;
  • 4 eggs;
  • vanilla flavored sugar (optional);
  • 1/4 (or less) of a tea spoon of salt;
  • vanilla extract;
  • fruits of your choice- though I will recommend softer fruits, not apples or so on.

 I chose a mix of frozen strawberries and raspberries, which of course I left to unfreeze at room temperature before using.

  1. Put your eggs, butter and sugar into a bowl and whisk the till you get a mousse consistency (about 5-7 min at high speed). Don't worry if  there are small pieces of butter which are not fully blended!

2. Add half of tea spoon of vanilla extract (or more, according to your personal preferences) and the salt and whisk one more minute. 

3. Add the flour and the baking powder and mix at medium speed till you get a even mixture (if you don't understand what I mean by this, just have a look at the picture). 

4. Lay some baking paper on a tray and place your mixture into the tray, leveling it with a spoon.

5. Place your fruits on top (I forgot to take a picture) and bake it at 170 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes. 

TIPS!!! Place the fruits close to each other because everything will grow in the oven and they will be very sparse otherwise. 
After half an hour in the oven, check the cake with a tooth pick. Just prick the cake with it and see if it comes out dry or with mixture with it. If it's dry, most probably your cake is good to go out. 
The end result should look something like this: 
 Now just let it cool:) If you like vanilla flavored sugar (I personally don't), powder the cake with some and cut and eat it! Enjoy :)

So this is all from me for today...After writing this, I realized that my English is much better when I am talking about make up than when I am giving cooking, excuse me for my poor language in this post. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you'll try out this recipe. Also tell me which is your "go to" cake when you want something sweet and if you want more "Cook with me" posts :)


  1. omg looks yummy <3

    visit my blog ^^


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